Hi Will Phillips,

This is looking fantastic! Clear to see that lots of hard work has gone into this! Inspired me to offer a couple of bits of feedback, my first post, so please forgive me if this isn't helpful, I'm new around here!

I find it difficult to distinguish the orange broken lines from the pink ones, and wondered if the hatching for the rebellious regions could be more clearly distinguished, I love the palette, and wondered whether having one going left-to-right, rather than both going up-and-down, would help, rather than changing colours.

I noticed in the key that you have "Royalist Provinces under Dutch Revel Control of Influence", and wondered if you intended "Royalist Provinces under Dutch Rebel Control or Influence"?

I found my eye circling around the map between the areas of additional content, and wondered if the historical context (bottom left) could fit into one of the inset boxes, maybe the bottom right one, and whether the key for the region numbers would fit in the top left inset map frame? The latter, in particular, will depend on where and how the numbering manifests itself! Talking about the regions, if you are anglicising the names, would Abbey be appropriate for Abby?

I hope this helps!