Thanks QED42 ! About the castle, it's certainly because it was modeled from an actual satellite image with some tweaks for the game. The whole "Bretagne" set has strong real world sources.
Thanks a lot George ! You are right, John's work has been a great influence. I studied his Haalthran map quite a lot for the flat roof style with satellite images here again. For the second town map, it was more Brian VanHunsel and Tommi Salama's work that helped me. No worries about the map, your comment is worth more to me
Thanks a lot John ! Working on something this different from my usual map was really stressful but I realize I managed to do those maps without much difficulty thanks to the Guild (I have hoarded a very large amount of excellent maps by master mapmakerz since I roam the forums of the Guild and they're really inspirational !). It was also quite thrilling to have to go out of my comfort zone so much and the short deadline helped a lot keeping the fear at bay.
But ! I still love regional maps a lot more as I can play with different styles more easily and I never lack inspiration for regional maps. I usually let them come to life under my pencil while I have to think really hard to get a decent battle map or floor plan.
Thanks a lot SarahEvelyn ! I agree with you, it's cool to see such a wide variety of maps from me as I had almost exclusively drawn regional or world maps before. The client had faith in me and it pushed me to try and exceed their expectations for each map.
Merci beaucoup pour ce commentaire très encourageant, Joël, ça me fait très plaisir ! You are right, the pressure forced me to be better and Krymmène and Saint-Yliades are amongst my favorites with the manor (you must guess these three are 12 to 15 hours maps). I'm not dropping out of teaching anytime soon because 1- I like it a lot 2- It gives me a good amount of time for my family as there's a large part of my work that I can schedule as I like and 3- Even if clients are a steady stream these last few month, it's a hazardous occupation and I still haven't found clients that value my work as much as I value it and I'm still not practicing prices that satisfy me (but it's on the rise). To be perfectly honest, the publisher hooked me with the promise of maps to draw for their upcoming novels but it appears their budget for publication is lower than what I ask for private use ... so, no novel maps.
And I'm glad you think that the less worked on still work enough. Cheers ! (et en passant, je l'ai testé, ce traducteur est une tuerie !).
Thanks a lot Tad ! I'm a bona fide : I have a problem of motivation until I have a problem of time
Thanks Rafal ! It was an opportunity that should not come back soon so, I had to take it. It turned out well enough.
Thanks AshlynnYeah, the variety was a good exercise and having all those maps by the same mapmaker makes for a nice consistent bundle.
Héhé, merci Robin ! C'est exactement le chateau de Fougères (si je te dis que j'ai qq plans châteaux dans ce style commencés sur mon disque dur pour les proposer aux offices de tourisme, tu me crois ?).
Merci beaucoup JulienYeah, I really needed to be efficient. The short deadline gave me no room for redo and it was quite liberating. The harmony really comes from the short period, I can see that when I go back to some of my WIPs and want to redo everything