Hi guys thanks for the answer

Yep the map have a few flaws in it it was the first one
for the probation do i need to post five time like in this thread ?
else want are the thing to do in this this forum. plenty of people strongly advices me to go in there but i dont exactly know what i will find here.

I clearly understand the probation thing bot are the cancer of old school forum.

here you'ill find my second map with a bit of back story

Black Powdy’s
smuggler's hideout"

A small canonner outpost held by pirates and smuggler on a lost portion of the coast, used to undock small longboat full of "untaxed crates of goods". Also used as neutral ground for meeting among smuggler pirate and members of many "non official" guild.

This small fort is held by a foreign man called the Admiral black powdy's, he take a taxe for all goods transiting by is little bungalow and in exchange everything disappear swiftly and quietly.
