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Thread: Hi all

  1. #1

    Default Hi all

    Hi all, great forum here, i've been lurking as a guest for quite some time now, now its time to join to get some critique from the experts.. I'm a 3d artist with 20+ years experience, i worked on games, vfx for tv and movies and music videos.. I've been playing d20 games and making maps for ages, but i never played any of the official ones, just homebrew with simplified rules. Lately i'm playing short campains with my kids, again, made up rules, made up dungeons, made up monsters and they love it.. Lately i started working on 3d isometric maps, combining both of my passions..

  2. #2
    Community Leader Kellerica's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    South Scotland (originally Finland)


    As someone who is absolutely dreadful with anything 3D related, I have massive amounts of respect for those that are less so. I hope you'll share what you've come up with at some point, I'd love to see the kind of work you do.

    Welcome to the Guild!
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    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  3. #3


    Hi, thanks!
    I have posted the map I'm currently working on here:

    Its 3d isometric modular dungeon.. check it out if you like..

  4. #4

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