Quote Originally Posted by - JO - View Post
I love your progress ! very nice labels ! There's a real atmosphere here !
Thanks, JO! Glad you think so.

Quote Originally Posted by Abu Lafia View Post
Ohh, this looks pretty Kell! I enjoy the palette a lot (a bit bright maybe... ) and the mountains look absolutely awesome, fantastic lights/shades. Looking forward to see more.
Hehe, thank you! Nice to see you're still lurking around Yeah, I agree, my maps have gotten a bit brighter lately - I kind of miss my dark tones, I'll have to try and find some good excuse to make a darker map again soon. Although right now it does also feel nice to do bright colours, as this is the time of year we wander around in darkness around here all the damn time. On the work week I literally don't see daylight at all, I'm stuck inside the office in a windowless space for the short time when the sun is up...

Well, in any case, I have managed to make some little progress again. Now with treeeeees! And with slightly less saturated tones.
### Latest WIP ###