Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
Ho boy, am I stoked to see you mapping again! You know much I enjoy your work. I can't remember if I've ever seen you do traditional media before.
I already love that border - what an amazing idea to have it look a little shattered like that. I'd love to steal that...

Can't wait to see how this one turns out.
"O Captain! My [new] Captain!" Many thanks Kell. I'm glad you like it so far. I do traditional media stuff for quite some time now, but often i colorized digitally in the end. I tried out watercolors for coloration last year with some smaller pieces (1,2,3,4) but this is the first larger piece (~A4) and the stakes are high ...

Speaking of high stakes, once again i accomplished messing up a piece i was quite happy with before, by handlettering the city labels. Well it takes some pressure from my shoulders for the next step with watercolours...

I applied my newly aquired masking liquid along the frame and around the coastline for that fancy white outline afterwards (hopefully)...

### Latest WIP ###


PS: Kell, go ahead with the frame, i "borrowed" the idea from a Jugendstil Artbook anyways...