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Thread: First Post

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Michigan, USA

    Default First Post

    Hello, all. I signed up originally in 2016 and somehow waited until 2020 to post my first message. Haven't even really been much of a forum guy since an old WW1 PC game, Red Baron 3D. I'm a mid-30s Michigander and I've been jotting down ideas for a long time and probably spent more time thinking about it than actually doing it. I've mainly practiced some techniques up until now and am finally going to do a map through completion. My preference is larger drawing pads, pencils and Copic multiliners and I typically lay out my ideas in PS Elements before putting pencil to paper. Will post my WIP soon enough and welcome any and all feedback. Also looking forward to not being such a lurker as I have been.

    Thanks, all.

    Noah aka "Kozzie"

  2. #2


    Hey, I'm mainly impressed you were able to remember your login . But welcome, and I'm glad you decided to emerge from the shadows! Looking forward to seeing you around

    All the best!
    - Josh

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Community Leader Kellerica's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    South Scotland (originally Finland)


    I'll have to echo Josh, I'm very impressed you found your account after all this time Welcome to the Guild proper, I look forward to seeing that WIP.
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