Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
I think I remember you saying this about some previous map of mine too - is there something in particular about them that bothers you? I've really tried to step up my mountains game lately, so if there is something you think I could do better, I'd love to know.
Ok, so I will try to pin it down a bit. As i said, I think the style fits the map overall. My nitpicks can be summed up like this:

The mountains could use some clearer defined ridge-lines than just the strong outer-line, for one. Then, as a second nitpick, I think to look even more "realistic", you could vary the different mountains a bit more to really get that mountain-range feel instead of just the "lots of singular mountains placed beside each other". So, for example, combine some of them into a cluster of mountains, "grown" together at some points.

Now this is of course something you might not want to go with because in your (the artist's view) it doesn't fit and/or you just disagree in general. And that's fair. Some things are just a matter of taste. As someone with a degree in geography/geology, I often find that i like the more realistic approach better than a more simplified/more iconic approach. But not always, of course.
So yeah, there you have it. Hope that helped (even if you disagree on the aesthetics).

Glad to hear you feel better