So I'm back to my mapmaking attempts, still in support of the worldbuilding of Phaldorya, an homebrew low magic fantasy setting. The following is the map my husband/DM has made in CC so you know the premises I'm working with.
I am attempting to remake it in pen and paper as I prefer the look of it but there are some obvious problems I can spot and others that I hope you could point to me.
This is what I've got so far:
A few problems I can spot:
-The overall shape of the continent is far too boxy, but it's already been a struggle to convince my other half to add a few islands, so I guess I'll have to stick with it.
-The mountains are far too small compared to the trees, I was planning to use a "bush" style for the forests, but I have been asked to do the single tree thing after I had the mountains already inked. I expected the mountains to look far worse then what they ended as, but the proportions are way off. I was thinking about trying to extend the slopes to make them a little taller, but I suspect it won't end well anyway. I think I will have to scrap this attempt and start again, so I might as well try.
-The coastal lines are too dense and probably too thick, way too busy there.
-The forests are again too close to the mountains and it gets confusing, considering that I don't at the moment plan on colouring it.
In pencil you can see the outlines of the rivers on the East coast. Does anyone have anything to point out about them? Do they seem too many? The area is already mapped in more detail and I already left out some of the rivers, should I cut down more or completely leave them out?
On the Left of the southeastern mountain chain it's supposed to be a big desertic area (you can see the outline faintly traced). I am at a complete loss as to how to represent a desert in a handrawn map. Does anyone have any examples to point me to?
Thank you in advance for any critique and suggestions!