Quote Originally Posted by Domino44 View Post
Super cool! I love the color palette, it immediately feels like it’s underwater which is very had to do.
Thanks Domino
2019 was definitely the year of water for me.
Quote Originally Posted by bbennett View Post
I always like the sliced views like this. You have pulled it off very well. Excellent choice of color and shading.

Yoink... as I place this into my local files labeled "D&D map collection".

Thanks for making D&D a better place to live... or die.
Thanks BB
I've definitely been inspired by many over the years for their cut-away views.
Mike Schley has done a number of cool ones. And the Star Wars cut-away books were always favorites.
Quote Originally Posted by Marc Moureau View Post
Nice and unusual. I like the sense of gigantism brought by the buildings and the ships on the horizon.
Thanks Marc
This was an unusual one where the sketch was nearly right on.
Quote Originally Posted by Caenwyr View Post
I'm not sure if I'd like to go diving there or stay as far away from it as possible. I'm not usually a victim of thalassophobia, but I'm willing to make an exception
Thanks Pieter
The sea is a powerful thing.
And this sea has more beasts than normal.