By - JO -
That's way better ! It's looking fantastic !!!
(Am I dreaming, or that mermaid called my name ????)
Who knows? We are all supposed to hear the sirens calling us, aren't we ?

By Kellerica
With the risk of being inappropriate, I must say that mermaid is... Um. very easy on the eyes and whatnot
In all seriousness, though, great work all around on this. I love these illustrations, and you know I always love me some archipelagos!
Nothing inappropriate here, Lady Kell . And thanks for the kind words.

So, some more. I may translate the texts about each country (if I find back my courage).
Si des francophones voient des fautes de frappes ou autres... merci d'avance de me le signaler.

Still some shading on the lands to do, but it starts to look like a finished map, I suppose.
### Latest WIP ###
Hyerune neo2.jpg