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Thread: The City of Ktorr

  1. #1

    Default The City of Ktorr

    Here's a personal piece based on the bits of lore I wrote for a short story.

    Attachment 120084

    It's a small city belonging to the Human Dukedoms, which are part of a land known as the Divided Land... At first, it was mainly an excuse to make a city map. One with a weird name in a rather generic fantasy setting, nothing fancy... It turned out way more fun than I expected.

    Made with Corel Painter 12.

    Here's a traduction of the key... Which is also made of remarkably generic fantasy names...

    1. Duke's fortress...........9. Southern gate
    2. Temple of dawn.........10. Forest of the rising sun
    3. Marketplace..............11. Northern gate
    4. Guilds Hall................12. Wild plains
    5. Harbour................... 13. Postern
    6. Lighthouse................14. Serene lake
    7. Garrison...................15. Forest of the Greenskins
    8. Monastery

    Thanks to all the community for its support and its inspiring feedback !

    EDIT: Updated version of the map uploaded on 12/03/2020 and featuring more natural colors.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Marc Moureau; 12-03-2020 at 11:15 AM.
    My Website
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  2. #2
    Guild Master Facebook Connected - JO -'s Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Geneva, Switzerland


    It's beautiful! The map gives off so much light it looks like a stained glass window! Very nice work... I also really like your line: a mix between a clear line and very subtle, very fine additions, or hatching, to give relief. With also a very worked border... Really beautiful map ! Bravo !

  3. #3


    Great work indeed! The frame and illustrative elements are gorgeous and you definitely have a distinctive style and an effective color use.

  4. #4
    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Usually Denmark


    I'll echo the others: this looks fantastic, for many many reasons.


    Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer

  5. #5


    Totally agreeing with my fellows, as you already know, Marc : amazing work here, looking terribly authentic and consistent. A new gem for the Guild

  6. #6
    Guild Journeyer LizardInk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    South Carolina, USA


    I really, really love the colors and texture of this. That frame is the bomb-diggity.

  7. #7


    Thanks a lot ! I'm very proud my work pleases so many of you.

    I'll do my best to ensure my upcoming maps meet your expectations.
    My Website
    You can also find my work on :

    Twitter . Instagram . Artstation . Behance

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