By Arsheesh
Hope to see this developed more Ilanthar, this looks promising.
Thanks! For now, it's more to relax 5-10 minutes here and there... And I'm more thinking about than actually drawing it .

By Tiana
Interesting, I actually like the buildings but something seems weird about the rock shape. Maybe it'll come together in your mind once you start adding details, but as they stand they're decent lil city concepts. You're probably just blinded by how you felt while drawing them and can't perceive their charm. Happens to us all. Two distinct cities melting together into one sounds cool for a concept and I like the protection platform concept, a fun place for a boss battle.
Thanks a lot!
Yay, I don't know. I tend to change of direction quickly when I'm starting something. I decided that the "smoker" was mostly inactive and then discarded the platform, sorry. Maybe I'll add one elsewhere though.

I thought I could use the remnant of those strange "giant tube worms" as the base for buildings (once the worm inside is dead) of the lower city. So, a new start.
The city inside the smoker proper will be different. Maybe I'll do a cutaway view of this part.
### Latest WIP ###
black smoker city.jpg

The giant tube worms :
Oh, I forgot to add : Pr Van Tjeerd and Pr Corliss are the scientists who discovered those "smokers" .