Quote Originally Posted by Yrda View Post

Now that you mention it - the initial idea for this labyrinth* came into being in 2006, so there was no Maze Runner back then. But there are runners indeed, in some way. Or walkers, if you like to call them that.
I'm not too familiar with the whole Maze Runner concept though, have seen the first movie some years ago but didn't read the books or watch the sequels. No need for apologies anyway. Not knowing it, I can't tell for sure if there are any other parallels in the concept and story.

* or maze, I always confuse these terms, since we usually just call it "Labyrinth" in common german - and in this case, I'd say it's kind of both.
I have only watched the movies not read the books but there is nothing that similar between them and the map. I was just trying to say a pun (and a bad one at that). Excellent map again though!