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Thread: The Lost Lands (By Neidal)

  1. #1

    Default The Lost Lands (By Neidal)

    Hello !

    Sooooo... it's the map I've drawn for the small community of Role-players I belong to.

    This project is called Project: Terra, and the lands are... The Lost Lands.
    It took me something like.... Three days of work to get to this, and I hope to get some advices, for improving and creating better maps for my players.

    Enjoy !

    map pour les joueurs.JPG
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Cool map. It looks like it was created with a 3D height map of it and that some processing was used to make all of the water channels. Was that the case ? Or did you draw it my hand a made a good guess as to where the water flow might end up and put the channels in for it ?

  3. #3


    I simply drew with Krita something that looked quite like a map. Then I added some details, like the coasts or the mountains. I didn't make a 3D height map of it before, simply drew it from a blank canvas.

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Then very well done as it looks very realistic !

  5. #5


    Is there any advice I could use for future maps ? It's my first one, so I simply drew what was coming from my imagination, and geography's lessons are far behind me.

    Thanks in advance !

  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I made up a tutorial about the rivers here:

    This was done because many many maps had some really odd river problems and you may come across some members of the site which have a "Rivers Police" badge next to their name. But you seem to have an innate ability to know where to put them.

    Personally I like to use a height map because you can get the computer to shade the landscape with lighting so that it brings out the relief of it. Then it becomes much clearer where the high ground is and the terrain shape. But thats a personal choice of course depending on what or how you want to use your map. Making a height map can be hard but you save time later on in the process and you can do a lot when you know the heights of a terrain. There are some applications which will automatically generate a random or directed height map for you based on a number of parameters. Wilbur is one to look for which is a free app and used frequently on the guild but there are some others that get very complex and sometimes expensive. Some provide incredibly realistic results which might be what you want but then maybe its not what you want and would be a waste of effort to make one. Best to look at the maps you like around here and find the WIP (work in progress) thread for it to see how it was made.

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