Quote Originally Posted by Aldaron View Post
I've only just discovered "Odyssey of the Dragonlords", but I'm already planning on running it as a campaign - I've loved Greek mythology since I studied Ancient History a few years ago.

One thing, though - I don't know if I'm just not seeing it, but I can't seem to find a scale bar on the map. The campaign mentions the Sour Vintage being about 20 miles from Estoria, but that would make Thylea only about 120 miles across; that is, somewhat smaller than New Zealand. Seeing that it's referred to as a "lost continent" quite frequently, I'm figuring that I've missed something.

If someone could set me straight, that would be terrific!
No, you didn't miss anything. It didn't make it into the final version.
I had a scale, but there was some uncertainty about whether it made sense overall.
In the final version, each square was 20 x 20 miles, such that the map covers about 160 x 220 miles.
There are many times when working on projects like this where they already have the text, but it conflicts with itself in various places.
It happens more than you would think. That's why more should get at least a basic map done earlier in the process.