DSCN1409-50.jpg Here's the finished sketch. Time to ink.
If you feel so inclined, I welcome your comments especially if you feel something needs adding to the library's text.
Thank YouDSCN1414.JPG
Last edited by pwbinde; 03-04-2020 at 08:18 PM.
DSCN1409-50.jpg Here's the finished sketch. Time to ink.
This is fantastic.
I'll be keeping an eye on this one!
Thank you. At the moment I'm inking and attempting to provide some shading, but I'm mediocre at best. What do you think? Are these shelves good enough? DSCN1410.JPG
This is excellent! I've wanted to draw a library for a while, but the thought of drawing in all those books terrifies me
I think your shelves are looking good. There is enough detail to tell what they are, but they are still loose enough to keep the line work nice and light.
Well, it's done for the moment. (I do need to erase as well) I'd like to hang some crystal chandeliers and do something with the latrine, but I need to see how the other floor maps will fit in with this one first. DSCN1414.JPG
Oh, how did I miss this one ! I love the concept so much, Pw !
It's sprobably too late, but celestial charts and globes could be a good addition to the map area, and "on fairies" somewhere...?
Anyway, you already have me lost in the library : I'll camp somewhere between Heraldry and Architecture ^^
Thank you! Should I put "On Fairies" or "On Fey"? And do you want it to be a large stack or a smaller shelf? Here's your chance to leave an impression that will show on the final print.
There's no need to be lost. Not with our lovely rooms for rent in three sizes suitable for any stay.
Also, I love the idea of celestial charts and the like. Perhaps on the next floor with Magic as the theme?
"On Fey" sounds perfect to me, but as I'm not as good as I would like in English, I'm never sure if I catch all the subtleties ^^
Hehe... 'love the idea of a tiny shelf. Don't forget to provide magnifying glasses in case human-sized people need to read the books !
I think I would be even more lost in a human bed as I am in any book. Bees rarely need to rent bedrooms : a hole in the wood somewhere on a shelf is perfect for a nap ^^
Oh, oh... a second floor ? That sounds interesting![]()