By Eowyn Cwper
I've been looking for a Nouvelle-Saint-Étienne. Some names really sound familiar to me and it makes me wonder about their etymology. Are they all based off actual town names in France?
I'm in love with the maps anyway. ç_ç It reminds me of colonial maps from the past, except it's futuristic. It's inspiring but extreeeemely daunting. I love them more than I can tell. ç_ç
Well, I've still the french colonies of Argyre (on Mars), Atlantide and Venusian Antilles (on Venus) to do, so I can place a Nouvelle-St-Etienne somewhere !
About the names, it's a mix : I often take small towns that exists (sometimes with a little change) or choose a "new" something or "mars" something, or take inspiration from present martian places.
And thanks a lot, Eowyn !

By Marc Moureau
Another perfect example of world building served by an efficient design.

It's always a pleasure to discover new maps from this atlas.

I like the idea of the martian wine label, it's very well done !

... Santé !
Thanks a lot Marc ! There are more to come (even though It will take time to do the lands on the other side of the Olympian Sea).
Glad you like the wine label, I could probably have worked it a little more, but well...