By Eowyn Cwper
Your Mars atlases are definitely my favourite map artworks of all ever. As a matter of fact, it's so good that it's one of the extremely few times that I prefer to read in French than English. But that's the original version too somewhat.
Thanks a lot, Eowyn ! And I'm certainly more confident with french text/labels, especially when I have entire sentences to write.

By Chris CB
Amazing maps. Every things seems to be real. Do you use real martian maps to amke this one ?
Thanks, Chris ! Yes, I'm using a NASA map as reference (even if I'm not drawing most of the craters or I turn them into mountains).

By TimetoDraw
Very official looking, this is excellent.
Just from a graphic design perspective, is it possible to fit the legend within the width of the images? Like so?
And a consistent margin the whole way around? My eye is drawn to the fact it sits out slightly, not meaning to offend
Thank you, TimetoDraw ! And thanks for your input, you're absolutely right. I'm recently trying to fit them in a standard page (A4) and I clearly didn't pay attention enough on this one.
I checked the previous, and it's not that much off-balance (a bit of a margin issue on the previous one, maybe). I'll try to rework this one and to consider those good points for the next ones .

By QED42
Can't rep you again so soon but another fantastic map off your production line.
Thanks a lot, my friend ! And no worries, I value your kind comment more.
Well, if only I actually had a production line !