Hi everyone, I'm new here. This is a map I'm creating for a show that I've developed for YouTube. They're both a WIP, but we do expect to launch soon. The show is basically a high immersion actual play which uses editing, post production, sound design and animation to deliver a more involved take on the actual play experience. As you can see the map is made to appear in that center panel. We occasionally switch to animation in that panel as well. Everything on the template is functional too, even the dice towers. I think having that information on screen will help the viewer feel more involved in the game. Seeing those low dice rolls is especially rough when you're also reminded of how low someone's HP is.

This is actually my first time making a map. These techniques are very foreign to me, but after studying other's maps for a few days I think I've picked up on the methods I want to use. I'm especially fond of Paper Griffin's Tamriel map and have been using it as a reference for my methods when making mountains. I think I'll do the forests in the same way as well. To put my own spin on it I'm using an unorthodox palette and working on the inclusion of dynamic map elements like that glowing eye. My map is used in a digital space, so when I have time to add them, dynamic and animated map elements that appear, disappear or change with the narrative might not be out of the question.

I'll post updates as this develops. I was worried that I may have stepped into a project I couldn't handle, but this is turning out pretty good. I can't wait to use it in the show.

Map Progress 01.png Map Template Test.png