By - JO -
More great work! It's really going to give a wonderful result!
Very small detail: on the French version, maybe you could find a better turn for the parenthesis "(qui reste à basse altitude, à peine 25m à ....)"
Merci Joël ! Any suggestion about this sentence? I rather have a bad style when it came to writing, and I'm sure you're way better than me for this .

By Eowyn Cwper
I'm still an absolute fan!
Thanks a lot, Eowyn !

By Jaxilon
These are exceptional. Almost looks like you stole them out of an actual atlas, very professional. Great job.
Well, if I ever try to steal something ... Just kidding ! thanks a lot, I value the praise.

By QED42
Can't rep you again so soon but this serious of maps is coming along very nicely.
Serious ? Thanks a lot, QED42, I'm very glad you like them, and I'm far from having finished.

By Kellerica
This series continues to be a delight! You have created an extremely solid atlas look, very authentic and yet still very 'you' as well. Great stuff.
Thanks, Kell ! Very "me", you mean not so dark ?
I see many little mistakes & flaws here and there (mainly in the labels), so I guess there will be less and less from one to the next...