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Thread: Hey hey

  1. #1

    Default Hey hey

    Hi everyone, I'm Michelle. Been a big fan of CG since becoming a DM a few years ago.
    PS user for over 15 years, my main area of talent were photomaniplation, photo retouching and mixed media.

    Thinking I could pep up my campaigns with maps, I dust off Photoshop and attempted map making with a mouse....Realizing how terrible these looked I dusted off my old tablet, and not being a painter or illustrator I am getting better.

    Completed one continent map of my homebrew world...which I will not post as I relied heavily on the inspiration so many of you have given me.
    Currently working on a full world map, continent by continent, as my group is winding down their first major campaign and I am working up a secret area of the world hidden in the mists and forgotten by history.

    As I have mentioned before I am very grateful for the endless amounts of inspiration, resources and just good advice just bursting from this forum and its amazing members.

    If anyone wants to see the horrible mouse drawn train wreck of a map, you can visit my dA.

  2. #2


    The cool/intimidating thing about PS is how versatile it is. You can be an absolute wizard with it in certain kind of work and still have tremendous amount of difficulty when you attempt to use it for something different. Of course the previous experience helps a lot, but not as much as you might think. I'm the other extreme - I started learning PS with cartography in mind from the word go, and years later I dare say I'm pretty handy with all sorts of drawing and illustration PS techniques (of course there is still a lot to learn too), but my skills with actual photo editing, not to even mention photomanipulation, are extremely poor.

    Now, that being said, I will say that your first mapping attempts still look hell of a lot better than mine did, so your previous experience with the software clearly has aided you! You're off to a fantastic start, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of work you'll be creating from now on.

    Take a stroll down the tutorial section if you haven't already - some of the PS tutorials can be extremely helpful in showing how to use tools you're most likely somewhat familiar with to their full mapping advantage.

    Welcome to the Guild! Just holler if there is something you need.
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    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  3. #3


    The mouse drawn is terrible but your encouragement is appreciated! LOL

    My latest finished one is much better, but as I relied soooo heavily on others styles/look and techniques I would not feel right posting on here or dA. XD

    Thanks for the welcome Kellerica!

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer Yrda's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    When you are very much inspired by other styles, you could credit the people who inspire you. Would help both of you - make the one who inspired you better known (maybe), and you have something to show. People might also be flattered if they inspire others, as long as you don't copy their maps or something.

    Welcome to the guild!

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