Thanks, Greg. I wasn't sure how to do it until I decided to handle it exactly like my comic panels, but I prefer it with all 3 leverls on one page too. I'm glad you find the colors exploitative and the original content worthy of a look, I know the fanmaps are more popular, especially in this challenge though (I think only one other person did an original map and everyone else went with known fandoms). Though, I think if anyone had read my comic, this design might trigger a few reminiscent bells, though I didn't go back to read any of it to compare. I feel like it feels like my older work, though, so well... I'M pleased about that, lol, I often wonder if I've fallen off certain horses only for them to go wild.

I added the fancy capitals to all of the major labels, a logo for an association, changed how I did the walls on level 1 to better show where inner walls were and windows/doors, corrected a small labelling error, added a bit more 'light coming in through windows' on level 1, improved the glass maze and added a bit of the overgrowth there too. And the vine border has gotten a little bit weirder.
### Latest WIP ###