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Thread: Pied-de-Vent

  1. #1
    Guild Member Gadiouka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Default Pied-de-Vent

    Hi everyone

    It took me a whole week to finally get done with this one, from the sketch on paper to the last adjustements on Gimp. It was my first time using this software, and even though it was a bit overwhelming at first, I soon started to grasp the full potential of it. HopefullyI will get more and more comfortable with it (and stop making newbie mistakes, like creating 547 layers without naming them ).

    It's also my first city map, so you might notice some weird features, like unclear street structures... But even though it's not perfect, I'm still glad I went through with it!

    Pied-de-Vent is the main city of the Basses-Brume, one of the nine districts that compose my fantasy world.

    Hope you'll enjoy


  2. #2


    Nice! The colors are very well chosen and the trees/forests very well rendered.
    Beau boulot !

  3. #3


    Very nice! I like how the lack of dark lines around the buildings (which is what I probably would have added out of sheer habit) make everything look all soft and cute. And like Ilanthar, I really enjoy the way your trees look! Very nice map, especially for a first attempt at using this software.

    As for the hundreds of unnamed layers... Yeah, that tends to be something you get better at with time. Being hopelessly lost in your own layer jungle for an hour makes you really put more effort into the next one, in my experience. Layer folders are a lifesaver in Photoshop, I really hope GIMP has those too.
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  4. #4
    Guild Master Facebook Connected - JO -'s Avatar
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    May 2016
    Geneva, Switzerland


    Beautiful map !
    Successful choices, like for the lines around elements !
    It might be your first map with Gimp, but I doubt it's your first map ever You have a good eye and a nice style !

  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer TimetoDraw's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2020


    I echo the sentiment, very good eye for colour! Looks great.

  6. #6
    Guild Member Gadiouka's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2020


    Wow, thanks for all your kind comments! It's really flattering, coming from people I look up to and admire! I still have much to learn, and by that I mean improving my digital skills, which I surely will thanks to this great forum.

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