Sorry, I forgot to reply! Thanks, Bogie and Illanthar.

Quote Originally Posted by Gadiouka View Post
Wow. I really really really like this one! The light is amazing and the "watercolor strokes" effect gives an unusual depth and contrast to the whole. I'm especially impressed with the lower part of the map, the whirlpool is really frightening, and I like the color contrast between your Pericles Mountains and the Burning Scar. Great piece of work, lively and one-of-a-kind!
I appreciate that you noticed the color contrast between those two sections. The burning scar is actually one of my favorite bits of this map because of that transition, which I wasn't sure would work out quite as well as it did. Whew. Yes, it is a one of a kind masterpiece, easily one of my top favorite works from that year. And I usually dislike my own art so I don't say that lightly.

Yes, the whirlpool is horrifying! I love those features! They're so fantasy but they were a lot of fun to make.

Thanks for the comment.