The assets look great. very useful. I too see the pool table potential.

Quote Originally Posted by Hermit View Post
I am located in the fictitious country of Cascadia (see here for what weirdos get up to in my neck of the woods:
So, not EXACTLY fictitious... I'm dying to know (though hesitant to open a potential can 'o worms), is your choice to identify yourself from that country due to a desire for privacy, or an indication of a political leaning? I'd be interested in knowing more about your feelings that led to the matter if it's the latter, though perhaps more a conversation for PMs. I originate from Alberta, which also has its Canadian secessionist movements. But this is a movement without Alberta involved, so its ideology and motivations on the ground level probably differ. I find it interesting from a worldbuilding perspective and not a "Ti's gonna judge you". In Alberta rural, it was not really a "weirdo" belief to have a burning hatred of Ontario's distance and yet enormous sway.

My guess, from your spelling, is that you're on the American side of the border, but that isn't unanimously true... I usually use American spelling and I am a Canadian citizen and resident.

Personally, I always figured Alaska and North Dakota should just give up and join us. North Dakota probably disagrees fervently, but their weather is EXACTLY the same as Manitoba's, they're almost indistinguishable in that regard.

Okay, enough provocative chatter, I think it's cool that you identify with being from a fictitious alternative secessionist state. Here's a pool table, unset, made from that red velvet display case.

long_displaycase_green pool table_hermit_ti.png