I knew there was a reason I liked you guys...

I've played more RPGs than I can count. Currently I'm running a Champions game online and gearing up for a Western Hero game also online. Both games are pretty much single adventures because of the speed of PbP, but there is a possibility of a second adventure if there is interest and players. Both games have gritty realism as I prefer more realism in my games. I ran a GURPS game, set in my own created world, for about 3 years but got burned out and had to stop. It was a combination fantasy and scifi setting that to this day my friends beg me to start up again.

I am 37, a network administrator, just celebrated my 14th anniversary, and I have two kids (girl and boy), 1 dog and 2 cats. I got my wife and kids into roleplaying as well. In recent years I've become much more interested in board games, and our best friends are responsible for that. I started RPGs in 1979 with D&D and went RPG crazy after that. I am currently taking a hiatus from working on my black belt in Taekwondo (second attempt, first time was in my teens) while I take college classes working toward an MIS degree. I have also been spending a fair amount of time trying to learn Poser 7, Carrera, and Bryce. I dinker with PhotoShop 7 quite a lot but still call myself a beginner.

Oh, and I was born in Detroit but moved to Sacramento when I was 9.

It's a good thing none of us have anything in common huh?