I came across this project a few days back and I was taken aback. I have never before come across a worldbuilding project which has put this much emphasis on geological plausibility. All the time you've spent refining your plate motion model in gplates has really paid off. Much of your topology looks very convincing, and is testament to the astounding level of research and study you've put into this project. For example, the concave shape of the Eocidarian Cordillera is very reminiscent of the Bolivian Orocline, both in terms of its curvature and its elevation, and I can see how they very well might have shared a similar tectonic evolution. I also have to say that the basin and range topography at the northeastern end of the Great Akanrian Trough is absolutely inspired.

If I have one criticism, however, it would be that your rift systems are maybe a bit too linear. You have these unbroken, gently curving lines, when what one would expect lots of smaller unconnected rift basins following a general axis of extension. In some areas you might even have multiple rift basins running parellel to each other.

This criticism does not apply to the Great Akanrian Trough which has clearly reached a far more advanced stage of extension. The width of the trough suggests to me that it should be mostly submerged, and may have begun seafloor spreading at its widest portions before becoming inactive. The remainder would have reached a transitional stage with a thin veneer of continental lithosphere. After this one would expect a degree of postrift subsidence of not just the trough itself, but also the flanking horsts. Then we need to take into account 140 million years of sediment being deposited, but even then I still think it would be more reasonable for more of the trough to be submerged. What I have in mind is something along the lines of the Bay of Fundy, at least for the southwestern part of the trough, getting progressively deeper as the trough widens. At northeasterns portion, I'm thinking something more along the lines of the Mozambique Channel or Davis Strait, with oceanic lithosphere overlain by thick sediment.

Speaking now from more of a geopolitical point of view, this alternative setup would have some interesting implications. Two strategically important locations would emerge: one south of the Ilanga fault blocks where we already see something very reminscent of the Strait of Hormuz. This narrowing of the gulf serves as not only a viable crossing point but also a vital choke point, where shipping going in and out of the gulf can be controlled. A longer gulf would only increase the strategic importance of this choke point. There would also now be a narrow land route between the southwestern end of the gulf and the ocean which would serve as a narrow isthmus connecting Akanrias with the rest of the continent, very much akin to the Isthmus of Suez connecting Africa and Eurasia. To me, at least, this would be a desirable consequence, but if it isn't to you then you could explain the current topography of the region by having this area move over a hotspot and causing uplift that way.

Keep up the good work. I'll be following this project eagerly!