Quote Originally Posted by Arimel View Post
Who would leave a perfectly good stool like that?
Looks really good and it is also thought prevoking!
Thank you!
I don't know who would! But this is something I encountered a while ago. And apparently I couldn't let that question go

Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
Very unusual, very interesting !
I would have tried to avoid cropping the branches and the base ornaments, but uh, who cares ? Hats off for the originality ! ^^
Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
What a wonderful piece
I agree with Beee, that letting it out just a bit to avoid that crop would be good.
But likewise, it is a splendid piece as it is. Really nice.
Thank you both!
I agree and get the impression here and elsewhere that those flourishes are mostly distracting so I'll try a drawing without them and see how that feels.

Quote Originally Posted by ThomasR View Post
I like the look of it. A bit painterly, a bit modern but damn efficient and elegant. Well done !
Thank you very much! I'm heavily influenced by russian realist painter Ivan Shishkin, but also by modern architectural renderings. I hope to strike a nice middle ground with a bit of children's book illustration mixed in.

Quote Originally Posted by thepinksalmon View Post
Very cool. I always like seeing new and different styles of maps here. With most of the map having a painted and drawn feel to it I think the compass roses and checked border feel a little out of place. If you roughen the edges, add some color variation, something like that I think they would tie in a bit better stylistically.
Thank you! This is useful feedback