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Thread: West of the Mountain Sea

  1. #1
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Angers, France

    Map West of the Mountain Sea

    Oï folks,

    This is an A3 map I drew for a client who wanted to keep track of what she invented for a her novel, mostly places. She wanted an authentic feel, as if the map was drawn by a character from her story so, parchment, you know me She gave me those maps as reference so I was happy to go back to that warm background.

    I'm not completely satisfied by the labels for which I'd have loved a more hand-written vibe but I privileged the legibility.

    I'm pretty happy with the border which was inspired by John Stevenson's work (a.k.a. J.Edward), especially for the filling inside the pattern and MistyBeee's work for the markers on the border who act as a scale (500 km).

    The challenge for this one was the monstrous mountain chain. At first, I had designed it thinner but the client wanted bulky so, I amped it a tiny teensy bit up and it gave the name of the map

    Fun fact, that's the first time I receive a tip from a client and she was extremely generous. I often go the extra mile for the maps I draw and having it reckoned by the client was a wonderful feeling (and money doesn't hurt).

    No more talking, here comes the map.

    Final post.jpg
    © Thomas REY - 2020 - All rights reserved

    As always all critics are welcome.

    Cheers !


  2. #2


    Kudos for all those mountains.
    I am glad you had such a nice commissioner.
    New Horizons
    Fantasy maps and illustrations.

    All my non-commisioned maps are FREE for personal use. Get them at my home page New Horizons
    Get more of my maps by becoming my Patreon.

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  3. #3
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    That certainly is a large mountain range! Love your colors and style as always!

  4. #4


    That is a lot of out mountains! Very pleasing to the eye. I kind of agree with you on the labels messing with the hand-drawn feel of it all, but it's by no means a huge issue. And you're rightfully proud of the border, it came out great!
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  5. #5
    Guild Member
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    May 2020
    South Carolina, USA


    I really love your coastlines! The whole piece is awesome but the coastal work is the icing on the cake for me. Always struggled with decent coasts in the few maps I drew back years ago. As I said, really enjoy the whole thing though! Great work!

  6. #6
    Guild Adept
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    Apr 2014
    Menton - FRANCE


    Wonderfull map!!! <3

  7. #7
    Guild Member Rochnan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    the Netherlands


    Those colours immediately caught my attention. Good choices!
    Choosing legibility over artistry can be a tough choice but usually tends to be the right call, as it is here. But out of curiosity, do you have a hand written version?
    I have a deviantART and an Instagram! Shiny

  8. #8


    Thomas did this lovely map for me, and I just wanted to pop in and share the original reference image I shared (I will spare you all the long, long scenario doc) so you can appreciate how much Thomas did. I've always liked maps and admired the work on this forum but I have to admit it took me a rather long time to think "oh wow...I could commission one...for myself!"

    I also feel I must apologize again for the mountains. I never meant for them to be so dense and impose so much work on Thomas though I think they lend a great effect. They are, I think, a testament to Thomas' skill and perseverance. Thanks again for the lovely map!

    super rough.png

  9. #9


    Truly beautiful work. The current map I've been working on has a fair few mountains in it, and this map.... Gives me strength, I think.

  10. #10


    Behold the impassable mountain range !
    Great work, Thomas, your own mix of good inspirations and your art skills do marvels .

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