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Thread: Zed's Not Dead!

  1. #1

    Default Zed's Not Dead!

    Hello, everybody!

    It's been a loooooong time, but I used to hang out here some 10 years ago or so. I only really got far enough to create a couple of unpolished maps for our DnD games at the time, but it was enough that we're still using the same world maps for our DnD campaigns 10 years later.

    I've got a lot to learn, and I'm pretty excited to do it. So far, I only have pen and paper at my disposal, but I'm willing to invest into some equipment/programs if I have what it takes. Does anyone have a tip or two on where I might dip my feet into this pool?

    I'm really glad to see that this community is not only still active, but it looks like you guys are seriously still going strong.


  2. #2


    10 years ago, huh? That was some years before my time, and I feel like I've been here for ages!

    I suspect this might not be new information at this stage, but just in case: take a look at the tutorial listing if you feel like trying your hands at digital mapping. GIMP is at least one completely free program you might consider trying out, and there are some tutorials available for that as well. I'm Adobe's faithful collared b*tch and as such will of course sing the praises of Photoshop till the end of my days, but there are some less expensive options out there too. Depends a bit on what you are after. If you are a traditional mapper looking to expand to digital, one thing I do recommend right away is investing to a graphics tablet of some kind.

    Feel free to ask if you have any questions, we'll answer the best we can. Welcome back to the Guild!
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    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  3. #3
    Professional Artist Tiana's Avatar
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    Oct 2009
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada!


    Get thee behind me, Adobe!

    I recommend using Wonderdraft or Other World Mapper for the lowest cost digital mapping entry point. Mapping only programs are useless for other art, but very easy for a new artist to make a map with. A great choice if you just want maps for your game. Adobe is only worth learning if you want to go pro. And in between, well, if you think you might go pro, sure, learn Adobe, but if not, Gimp, Krita, Clip Studio Paint, Affinity... many other options for cheaper or free programs. Photoshop does everything that that with off-brand programs you might need 2-3 programs to get all the features of. For example, I can only curve text with an outer stroke in Affinity Designer, not Clip Studio Paint. That said, it gets hooked to a vector path so it's more flexible than Photoshop's text warp options, and it's easier and more intuitive than Illustrator, so I would recommend it as a cheap alternative for Illustrator. Also worth trying: Inkscape.

    If you want to draw digitally, a tablet will really help. 100% behind that position.

    Basically, if you think you'll ever be doing commissions, you should learn Adobe... it's industry standard. If you just want to pump out some game maps for personal use? Get one of the easy shortcut mapping programs.

    Welcome and good luck making new maps for your game!

    Click my banner, behold my art! Fantasy maps for Dungeons and Dragons, RPGS, novels.
    No obligation, free quotes. I also make custom PC / NPC / monster tokens.
    Contact me: or _ti_ (Discord) to discuss a map!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
    10 years ago, huh? That was some years before my time, and I feel like I've been here for ages!
    Yep! Unfortunately, I never kept up with the site or trying to make maps, or I'd be a master by now (or at least passable). Haha!

    So you've both made great suggestions, but I'm leaning more toward the "keep it cheap" option for now

    Quote Originally Posted by Kellerica View Post
    I'm Adobe's faithful collared b*tch!
    Hey, whatever makes you happy.

    So, these are all great suggestions, but I'm of the more "keep it cheap" mindset now until I at least get my feet wet. I've been spending some time using the Hand-Drawn Map Tutorial for the Artistically Challenged by Gidde, and it's been great. I've never used GIMP before, but it's already so much easier than drawing by hand.

    One thing, though: you both mentioned getting a drawing tablet. Does it have to be a tablet specifically for drawing, or can I take my Acer Aspire R 15, grab a stylus, and go to town?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Zedfelos View Post
    ...or can I take my Acer Aspire R 15, grab a stylus, and go to town?
    If you already have one, absolutely do give that a try. I've never used one, so can't really say yay or nay to its suitability, but no harm in trying things out. The thing that drawing tablets tend to have going for them is the fact that they have been designed specifically with art in mind, so their pressure sensitivity to their respective styluses tends to be quite fine, at least on the better models. But honestly, I have no idea what kind of strides the touch screens on laptops have been making in the recent years, so they might well actually be very well equipped in that department too. A Google search for a review or two might find you answers I haven't got. But as you mentioned wanting to keep things cheap for now, using the tools you already have at your disposal will most likely be a good way to go. You can always upgrade later if you feel like it.
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    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  6. #6


    Welcome back Zed! Cartographers a dedicated bunch

    - Josh

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