very nice. The greek one has at least one greek word (Notos = South), but i can't find any any other meanings with google traduction :-P
Found these compass roses while browsing The Atlante Veneto and figured someone here might be able to use 'em. They're from 1693 and were created by Vincenzo Coronelli.
Greek! (At least I think it's Greek, those are Greek letters. Could also be Cyrillic, it wasn't labeled and I'm not as familiar with those alphabets. Feel free to correct me.)
Last edited by KMAlexander; 06-06-2020 at 06:08 PM. Reason: Replaced the Italian version with a cleaner one.
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very nice. The greek one has at least one greek word (Notos = South), but i can't find any any other meanings with google traduction :-P
Just reading the different languages is very interesting. So is of course seeing how they arranged things historically. Those are pretty cool thanks for sharing them.
Writer & Designer -
My FREE historical cartography brushes: Myer, Hogenburg, Kensett, Zuodong, Ishikawa, Hyacinth, Ende, Homann, Zatta, Janssonius, Vischer, Braun, Ogilby, Van der Aa, Gomboust, Harrewyn, Popple , Donia, Bleau, Aubers, L'Isle, Widman, Walser, Lumbia, Lehmann, and Moronobu Gansai, Mokuhanga, also de Fer Cartography, Battlefield, Settlement
According to a quick Google search, it turns out that the Greek wind rose has the names of certain Greek gods of the winds. The names in this particular wind rose—which is also upside down—are Notus, Libonotus, Lips, Zephyrus, Argestes, Thrascias, Aparctias, Meses, Hellespontias, Apeliotes, Eurus, and Phoenicias. All the Greek names in this wind rose has a Roman equivalent. There's some more information here.
Thanks for sharing them, they're beautiful![]()
I can't read the Latin one obviously, but I do see it has Phoenix as one of the directions. And that almost all of them have a completely different name rather than a variant of the cardinal directions.
I think it's interesting that some of the roses call the directions by the lands that are in those directions from the countries of origin. For instance the Italian one has the Levant and "Greco" as directions.
Thanks for sharing. Historic stuff is always really cool to me
Can't speak for it being Greek or not, but wherever it is originally from it's beautiful. I'll definitely save that as inspiration for my own compass rose designs. Thanks for sharing!
Last edited by Kellerica; 06-07-2020 at 09:26 AM.
Very Cool!
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