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Thread: Biospheric Map of Southern Omeria

  1. #1

    Default Biospheric Map of Southern Omeria


    Hey everyone! I don't think i've shared anything here that wasn't a battlemap before. So here's something new!

    This is a map of a region of Southern Omeria, which is one of the continents of the world of Casar. I made this map along with the rest of the setting maps for a DnD campaign setting by DM Dave. Dave writes adventures for DnD 5e and i've been designing the maps for the different areas of the world. This one was done for fun one afternoon after I saw some cool ethnographic maps in a similar style.

    This shows the southern tip of the continent with some trade routes as well as different biomes found in the area. This is mostly a tropical area with a mountain range running north to south (indicated by the brown and dark brown ridges).

    We currently have a kickstarter for a DnD starter kit set in this world. If that sort of thing interests you, you can check it out here:
    Check out my Patreon!

  2. #2


    Really neat! Are those biomes ones you made up, or are they from a scientific classification scheme?

  3. #3
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Arimel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    I like the biome indicator here and your coastline shapes! Very detailed yet simple at the same time.

  4. #4


    Very graphic, Czepeku, I love it ! It's refreshing to see all this empty ocean, when most of us always try to add a high land ratio. Good job !

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