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Thread: The Temple of the Ant Goddess

  1. #1

    Map The Temple of the Ant Goddess


    As you have been walking in the dense forest for several days now, you feel the trees are becoming more and more scattered. As you push aside, one last bush encroaching on the path, you see a huge half-open door flanked by two large stone monoliths. There is no doubt about the damaged bas-reliefs that adorn the walls of the temple; it was indeed dedicated to a deity represented by an ant.

    Alors que vous marchez dans la forêt dense depuis plusieurs jours maintenant, vous sentez que les arbres se font de plus en plus parsemer. Au moment où vous écartez un dernier buisson empiétant sur le chemin, vous apercevez une immense porte à moitié défoncée flanquée de deux grands monolithes de pierre. Les bas-reliefs abimés qui ornent les murs du temple ne font aucun doute, il était bien dédié à une divinité représentée par une fourmi.

    * Original : 3766 x 8362 pixels ( 1sq = 140 pixels)

  2. #2
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Cool. I'm not really sure what the relative elevation of some of the areas are meant to be, especially that yellow bit, but I really like the design and the colors. Compared to snake and spiders, ants get far too little attention as fantasy temple themes.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by rdanhenry View Post
    Cool. I'm not really sure what the relative elevation of some of the areas are meant to be, especially that yellow bit, but I really like the design and the colors. Compared to snake and spiders, ants get far too little attention as fantasy temple themes.
    You're totally right. On the VTT and with DM explanation, the players were able to imagine how the building was organized. With only the map, it's not so obvious.

    Compared to snake and spiders, ants get far too little attention as fantasy temple themes.
    When I wrote this story, the temple was supposed to be dedicated to spiders. It was so already done that I finally switched to ants. At the same time, I realized that there was nothing about them in the monster manual.

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