Hi Guys,

Back again. I started a new project while still doing my other project.

Its a magical floating island called Rin. I've done floating islands with pen and paper before, but this is my first time trying with CC3+. I want to trace my old maps to bitmap but I want to practice some techniques first. What I've done so far is delete the background because I'm not sure what I want to do with it yet. Added a land mass and striped it of its effects. Then imported some bitmaps if dirt of a similar style. Then I created a new sheet called cliffs and placed it under the land mass. I started drawing with the dirt and played with the perspective a bit to get general outlines of my cliffs. Then I added a glow to each sheet on the outside of the land. I set it to black, 100% opacity, 0.1 blur radius, by map units and it gave it this nice pen-ed in look.

this first part didn't take a lot of time, but this next step might. My next step is gonna be to add nice ridged lines along the cliff side and some straight lines with a softer glow to indicate shadows along the cliff. It's gonna take some time to get it right I think.

anyway enjoy what little I have so far.