Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
Well even if only the linework was complete that would be enough, as this is quite the treat. So much wonderful detail here to drink in. I hope the linwork will be complete in time for the voting, as this is a fantastic entry so far.

I tried valiantly, but I just had too much linework to do in too short of a time.
Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
Oooh, this crater... and wow those roots...!!
Inspiring ! So inspiring, J. !!
Thanks Beee
I am very happy with how the tree turned out.
Quote Originally Posted by Marc Moureau View Post
Stunning linework ! I'm looking forward to seeing it finished.

Don't worry for the color, the map already looks impressive.
Thanks Marc
I overdid the linework a bit, so it needs shadow and/or color to make it pop.
Quote Originally Posted by Greason Wolfe View Post
Bah! Have I mentioned how much I hate your drool/slobber worthy line work lately?

One of these days, I might actually draw at least a single mountain/cliff/hill and so on that comes close.
Hehe, Well, this one should generate a bit of drool, as it has some cool features, I think.

My last update. I tried, but just had too much linework to draw to be able to finish tonight.
I have been spending all day drawing detailed linework of a HUGE city map, and then all night working on this one.
So my hand and arm is sore, and I'm actually surprised I got this far. And in only a week !?! wow
That is actually pretty surprising. Well, I should take a break and celebrate.

### Latest WIP ###
DaRigh x11a.jpg