I quite like the idea of categorising by large to small scale, but one of the reasons we gave some of the niche genres their own category was basically to give them a fighting chance. A dungeon map will never, ever win against a detailed city map. That's the main reason why some categories are based on scale, and some on genre. We wanted to include as many map styles as we could, while still allowing the niche map styles to have a chance to win something.

I'm also a little hesitant to divide up by style, unless it's hand-drawn (pen & paper) vs 'made with a computer'. People use so many different tools to make their maps that it's hard to know where to draw the line. It's a lot simpler with paints! Bogie uses photoshop, hand-drawers have computer labelling, Mouse uses every program under the sun for her maps!

I hear what you're saying about one map dominating in multiple categories, and we've seen that happening over the past few years. It's definitely something to think about.