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Thread: [WIP] Atlas Maps of Valmere | From Real-World Height Data to Vector Map

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    Hey everyone, sorry this thread's been so quiet as of late.

    I kind of went off on a major tangent these past few days. I've been messing with and learning a lot about QGIS, and I think my goals for this project have just become more lofty... I finally figured out how to take the vectors layers of my roads, cities, topography, etc. etc. and import it into QGIS all with proper georeferencing. Here's my current road data overlayed with a basic topographic hillshade:


    And the real kicker, with two clicks of a button I can reproject everything on the fly (equirectangular in this case):


    This is really exciting for me because it means I can retain all of my data globally, not just the heightmaps, which is what my previous plan was. I'm still probably going to create the vector data in Affinity, simply cause the drawing tools are so much easier and flexible to work with, but once the data is in my "master" QGIS project, it'll be a cinch to reproject the data however I want to create all sorts of other maps, even exporting back out to svg to work with in Affinity designer again.

    The biggest help this will have currently is the little overview map in my atlas maps that shows the nation's footprint relative to the continental scale, which is in a different projection. I was reprojecting a tif image of the borders and redrawing them, but now I don't have to...
    Last edited by morne; 08-21-2020 at 01:54 AM.

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