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Thread: The Köppen–Geiger climate classification made simpler (I hope so)

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  1. #1
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Feb 2015

    Default Updated script for GIMP

    I ended up messing around with writing a GIMP plug-in in Python and updated my old climate script. The new version is largely adopted from Azure's script and works in a similar fashion: the plug-in processes the source maps on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Since this one uses many of GIMP's in-built functions, it's not as efficient as Azure's script, and the processing time is quite long. On the other hand, it now has a nice progress bar that shows how far along the script is from completing. While this is a GIMP plug-in, I'm not 100% sure that it works without installing Python. Anyway, here are the instructions:

    Place the plug-in in the appropriate folder (usually /Program Files/GIMP 2/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins). If uncertain, you can check Edit->Preferences->Folders->Plug-ins to see where the plug-ins are stored. Once in the right folder, the plug-in should be available (you can use Filters->Script-Fu->Refresh Scripts so you don't have to restart GIMP). You should now have the script available under the Image tab:


    Restrictions for using the script:
    - This has been written for and tested in GIMP 2.10
    - The image needs to be RGBA (RGB with an Alpha channel) with 8-bit Integer precision

    Layer naming restrictions:
    The temperature/precipitation layers need to have exactly the following names (the script searches for them by name):


    Layer colouring restrictions:
    The temperature and precipitation categories need to have exactly the following colours (with the ocean tiles coloured in a separate colour, not transparent as in prior versions of the script):

    Temperature zones:

    Temp Category R G B
    Severely Hot 160 0 65
    Very Hot 210 60 80
    Hot 245 110 65
    Warm 250 175 95
    Mild 255 225 140
    Cool 230 245 150
    Cold 170 220 165
    Very Cold 100 195 165
    Severely Cold 50 135 190
    Deadly Cold 95 80 160

    The temperature zones in a slider:

    Precipitation zones:

    Prec Category R G B
    200+ mm 210 200 250
    100-200 mm 190 170 240
    50-100 mm 150 130 220
    25-50 mm 90 80 160
    10-25 mm 240 235 160
    0-10 mm 235 0 140

    The precipitation zones in a slider:

    Ocean tiles:

    R G B
    155 205 230

    Sample Map:
    Here is a sample climate map using source maps generated from WorldClim's 1970-2000 dataset:

    Source maps:

    Generated climates:

    The plug-in can be found in the attachments. Feel free to provide any feedback if you have trouble using it. Note that the new script has been set up not to generate any Cc climates, and uses a gradual aridity threshold (unlike the previous versions, which used a stepped threshold as in most publications of Köppen maps).

    Update (28/10/20):
    - Now supports off-colour pixels (they are assumed to have 0 °C temperature and 1,0 mm precipitation)
    - Fixed a bug where the script could paint the ocean in the wrong colour if opacity was set at less than 100%

    Big thanks to Coggleton for reporting the issues with the script, this update should solve the problems related to off-colour pixels.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Charerg; 08-01-2021 at 03:35 PM.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Charerg View Post

    Restrictions for using the script:
    - This has been written for and tested in GIMP 2.10
    - The image needs to be RGBA (RGB with an Alpha channel) with 8-bit Integer precision
    The temperature and precipitation categories need to have exactly the following colours (with the ocean tiles coloured in a separate colour, not transparent as in prior versions of the script):
    Thanks - this looks like it will be quite helpful for me! One question- you mention the various colors need exact RGB values. What about the L,C, and h values? I'm not too familiar with GIMP and other color values besides RGB, so this might just be my ignorance showing.

  3. #3
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coggleton View Post
    Thanks - this looks like it will be quite helpful for me! One question- you mention the various colors need exact RGB values. What about the L,C, and h values? I'm not too familiar with GIMP and other color values besides RGB, so this might just be my ignorance showing.
    LCH (and HSV) are only alternative ways of defining a colour. If you change the Hue or Saturation for example, the program adjusts RGB values accordingly.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Charerg View Post
    Feel free to provide any feedback if you have trouble using it. Note that the new script has been set up not to generate any Cc climates, and uses a gradual aridity threshold (unlike the previous versions, which used a stepped threshold as in most publications of Köppen maps).
    First of all, THANK YOU for making this! This is exactly what I was hoping someone would develop. Second of all, I'm well versed in Photoshop, but never used GIMP before, and I'm having problems with some of the basics of your instructions, which I feel like must have been a continuing and evolving conversation spread over these 50-something pages. Is there a post I can search for that might help with the basics? Such as: How to make sure my image is RGBA? (I added an Alpha Channel, but I'm not sure if that's what does it?) What kind of image should my source be? Black continent with white water? Land on a separate layer? When you say the layers have to be specific colors do you mean a layer that's completely filled with that RGB? I was able to run the script, but it was looking for layers that weren't there. I feel like I'm close, but missing something fundamental. Thanks for any help you can provide!

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh Foreman View Post
    First of all, THANK YOU for making this! This is exactly what I was hoping someone would develop. Second of all, I'm well versed in Photoshop, but never used GIMP before, and I'm having problems with some of the basics of your instructions, which I feel like must have been a continuing and evolving conversation spread over these 50-something pages. Is there a post I can search for that might help with the basics? Such as: How to make sure my image is RGBA? (I added an Alpha Channel, but I'm not sure if that's what does it?) What kind of image should my source be? Black continent with white water? Land on a separate layer? When you say the layers have to be specific colors do you mean a layer that's completely filled with that RGB? I was able to run the script, but it was looking for layers that weren't there. I feel like I'm close, but missing something fundamental. Thanks for any help you can provide!
    If all of the source layers (JanTemp, JanPrec, JulTemp and JulPrec) have an alpha channel, you should be good to go. You can see if a layer has an alpha channel by looking at the layers tab, layers without an alpha channel have their names bolded:


    To see how the source maps should look like, take a look at the "sample map" section of the instructions in my prior post. You can also test the script using the source maps provided in that section: all you need are those four layers and you should be able to activate the script succesfully and produce the climate map.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Charerg View Post
    To see how the source maps should look like, take a look at the "sample map" section of the instructions in my prior post.
    Ah, maybe I'm misunderstanding what this plugin is actually meant to be accomplishing. I thought it would take a fictional world map I've made and determine Koppen climate zones. But based on the WorldClim's 1970-2000 dataset inputs you've got there, I'm guessing the colors are driving the data for your plugin? And I don't know how to generate those colors on my fictional planet except by vague, under-educated guesses. Do you know of any resources to help me with that part that must come before using your plugin?

  7. #7
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh Foreman View Post
    Ah, maybe I'm misunderstanding what this plugin is actually meant to be accomplishing. I thought it would take a fictional world map I've made and determine Koppen climate zones. But based on the WorldClim's 1970-2000 dataset inputs you've got there, I'm guessing the colors are driving the data for your plugin? And I don't know how to generate those colors on my fictional planet except by vague, under-educated guesses. Do you know of any resources to help me with that part that must come before using your plugin?
    Yes, namely this tutorial. The first post on the first page has links to all the different sections (figuring out oceanic currents, wind patterns, temperatures and precipitations for a fictional world). Only the last part (generating the climates) is automated .

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Charerg View Post
    Only the last part (generating the climates) is automated .
    I see. THanks for clarifying. And if you're taking requests.... make a Python script that does all that other stuff too!

  9. #9
    Guild Artisan Charerg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh Foreman View Post
    I see. THanks for clarifying. And if you're taking requests.... make a Python script that does all that other stuff too!
    There have been some efforts along those lines, mostly from AzureWings. But that's a much greater undertaking than just taking in the temp and precip data and churning out the climates. Myself, I haven't made any serious attemps at creating a script that could arrive at a plausible temperature or precipitation map from just a land-ocean map as input (or even a DEM). But considering that you'd essentially have to create a simplified climate simulator, more-or-less, with maybe some user-fed parameters (like how warm the planet is relative to Earth), the processing time could become an issue pretty quickly (even my most recent script takes quite long to go through a map).

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