Quote Originally Posted by Kier View Post
Lots of good stuff there. The first cat I thought was a statue, lol. Love weeds and the stumps also.
Thanks, glad you like them, feel free to make variants of the stumps and weeds, I just got lazy, someone else is certainly welcome to make variations without the eye rock in the stump (really you could put anything in the stump hole or leave it empty), or combinations of stumps. I always feel like there aren't enough stumps and weeds, which are nice to dress up a map but really mundane. Good idea on the cat being a statue, it's a good pose for that.

Princess Leia as a rock statue:

statue of a cat Princess Leia white marble housecat free RPG battlemap asset by Ti feedthemultiv.pngstatue of a cat Princess Leia mossy white housecat free RPG battlemap asset by Ti feedthemultive.pngstatue of a cat Princess Leia mossy housecat free RPG battlemap asset by Ti feedthemultiverse.co.pngstatue of a cat Princess Leia marble housecat free RPG battlemap asset by Ti feedthemultiverse.c.png

Also, I don't know if anyone will WANT it, but I made a looping ribbon brush of the final stump's bark so you can draw any shape of stump and then fill it in, for Clip Studio Paint, let me know if you do.