Quote Originally Posted by damonjynx View Post
One thing you could do is create, or download, a seamless tile pattern for your forest, I'm assuming you're using Photoshop or something very similar. Then create a new layer and fill it with the pattern. Put a layer mask over the top of it 'and paint' in the bulk of your forest, then just put some trunks where they would be visible and some individual trees and copses to make it look less pattern like. Butch Curry did an excellent series on YouTube; Fantasy cartography with Adobe Photoshop, if I recall correctly. Also, take at Jonathon Roberts' (aka Torstan here) fantastic Maps site. he has plenty of tips & tricks.
Thanks for taking the time. One can also use more feedback when it comes to doing maps.

While I have you here, can I ask you question? You have run campaigns and the sort yes, I believe we talked about it somewhere? Anyway, are there locations you would like to explore specifically on this map, and what is your draw to the location? I am creating this map for campaigns, so I would much appreciate getting feedback on that. Thanks in advance!

Okay, so I tried a forest technique here for the Taiga Biome. Does it work for you all?
Bonded Jaw_Forest_Experiment_v2.jpeg

### Latest WIP ###
Bonded Jaw_v4_Preview.jpeg