Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
You could always create a master file with layer adjustments for all of the usual colorations you do, so you don't repeatedly do the same colorizations. They are nice, good fall trees.
I try to do the same colorizations, lol.

I run 4 renders, 1 for each color variation, green, yellow, orange and red. If I remember to do it, I randomize the leaves shades of colors within the 4 setups(sometimes I forget). I really like variation, which is why I do so many trees. In the past creating the pngs in gimp and tweaking, if I messed with the hue, it effected the trunk too much, but now with the 4 basic colors I can alter the shade and hue a touch without effecting the trunk. I tend to do that more on a map by map basis though.

Thanks, Bogie. I like this bark variation the best so far, but I will continue tweaking. I need to get a good brown one which still shows texture.