Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
Hi and welcome to the guild.

Nice map you are gonna love it here. Theres lots of discussion about geography and how real or fantastic you want it to be. For distance its best not to think about distances per se but to think about where someone might like to live or build houses. Where is it convenient or advantageous to live. Then cities might spring up there and then you have wandering travellers where at about a days ride you might get a stopping point, a quarry or other resource or a river crossing or something like that and then a small town springs up. Then that leads you to what might be happening at that town and its real easy to fill in back story for it.

The latest WIP tags we put in when we do the challenges. We have some automated scripts here which rip out the latest work in progress images that people are doing for the challenges and we compile them all on to one page of thumbnails so you can have one page to see the overall progress of everyone. When it comes to the monthly vote then you have a place to look over the images and also we can archive them. So when you feel like having a go at a monthly challenge try the "lite" one first and look at the sticky posts for them and it will explain it all there.
Thank you so much! That all makes a ton of sense, that's incredibly helpful. So not per se distance in numbers, but distance in terms of usage. I definitely like that mindset a lot, I'll have to give that a lot of thought, particularly with this map.

Thank you for the explanation! I'll get the hang soon! I'm already enjoying it here, I'm ecstatic. Cartography is just so mesmerizing- entire worlds, entire stories, entire creations.