Quote Originally Posted by Tiana View Post
Welcome, yes beware, cartography can be an addiction. Wonderdraft is a perfectly fine way to get started. Eventually you'll probably find you want to make custom assets to fill in gaps in those sorts of programs inclusions, but it's a great way to put together a first map and get the itch.
It totally is! It's just so fun. I've definitely felt that itch- I've kind of messed around with making my own brushes in Sketchbook for when I hand draw maps (which is rare, as they take infinitely longer haha), so I definitely know the feeling of needing to create my own assets. Sometimes, there just stuff missing!

Quote Originally Posted by Arimel View Post
Really nice map! Everything in it fits together really well.

I also agree with Redrobes here, the distance is not as important as what is around the town (resources available, competition from other towns avoided, and most importantly, a good story able to be told). That said though, here is an older cartog. guild thread discussing how far people might be able to travel in a single day depending on terrain and speed should you be interested.
That is a TRUE gold mine right there, thank you so much!! It's so tricky when one realizes that we don't really know this kind of information, yet it's something that someone would point at and go "That doesn't make sense" if you didn't actively seek that information out.