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Thread: City map for sniper duel

  1. #1

    Default City map for sniper duel


    I'm looking to commission a sci-fi city map, loosely inspired by Marseille. It need not be recognizable, and in fact, I would weakly prefer it is not. Legibility is likely to be a key factor as it will be used for a sniper duel and chase, as well as concept art for building out a vertical slice if the encounter is viable. Normally, I'd in-house this but we're hammered right now and this is a personal prototype.

    Exaggerated landmarks, abridged distances, and other stylistic decisions are left to the artist.

    I'm aware this is a bit of an unusual commission, and so while I have no particular interest in rights retention past limited commercial use for 9 months, I recognize that might not matter much.

  2. #2
    Professional Artist Guild Donor Sapiento's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Salzburg, Austria



    I'm interested. For examples of my skills just follow the first three links below - as you can see I have a very wide range of styles to choose from.

    Here are examples of my work:

    If you like what you see you can send me an email to contact(at)

  3. #3

    Default Sniper Dual

    Hello, I would like to help you out with your request, if you are needed a battle map as well we can work that out as well.

    you can check out some of my community work here

    please feel free to contact me at

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