Quote Originally Posted by Kier View Post
Looking good!

I love the beasties! But I am more about the art of it all than play ability sometimes. I think in this case, its not a bad thing to have a few, as crocs or alligators would be common to swamps. DM can always decide if they are more a nuisance or use them in the campaign as they see fit. Its much more different than say beholder where you are forced then to write it into the campaign.
I 100% agree

Quote Originally Posted by ChickPea View Post
This is looking really nice. The tents and boats look great.
Thank you! Yeah, I tried something different and they came out well.

Quote Originally Posted by Bogie View Post
looking good colored! I like it with just a few gators to spice it up, but otherwise leave it to the DM to decide where the monsters are.
Thanks, and that makes clear sense. So, I'll stick with that.

Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
Looks good. The building layout really looks like one would see in maps of a ruin, very well done.
Thank you!