Then today I posted the Castle Grel map, which relates back to the DaRigh map.
This one was in the works for a while. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
You can read more of the back story for DaRigh and for the Castle over on patreon by hitting the linked words.

Lots of variants, but these are not gridded, except for the one I post for free.
I started using a small square at the bottom to denote the grid size, as well as the unit size for roll20.
It's a 45 x 60 unit grid, which is a decent size for some battles.

Castle Grel is a floating island that appears in random places all around the lands of DaRigh.

Castle Grel - Sky - 01 day spring grid [45 x 60, castle, island].jpg

Castle Grel samples page1.jpg - Castle Grel samples page2.jpg - Castle Grel samples page3.jpg

There's one pack up on roll20 -
For some reason, they limit the number of variants per pack, and then didn't approve both packs at the same time, so one is left in limbo.
It's kind of frustrating. Maybe gumroad is the way to go, idk. Selling content is more struggle than it should be.
Oh well, it's my birthday, so I am going to go do something... have a great week, everyone. Cheers, J