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Thread: To define a map...

  1. #1

    Default To define a map...

    Hello and salutations! I've lurked on this site from time to time throughout the years due to all the intriguing talent. I am most impressed with the cornicopia of skill and styles collected here for our viewing pleasure. As a dabbler and practitioner of these arts myself, I have finally mustered the will to officially register and partake of this creative genius; which of course has led to a few simple questions I was hoping the admins, moderators or affluent members might be able to address.

    Although this site is rather straightforward in its desired intent, map-making is far opposed to cartography. Either based in fantasy realms or based on real world environments, cartography usually implies land or sea as its targeted subject, wherein the word cartography entails ANY form of mapping. Which brings me to my first question:

    1. Is Neural Network Mapping considered Cartography here?
    2. What about software/program-flow diagraming/mapping?
    3. What about electrical schematics?
    4. DNA Mapping?
    5. Hereditary maps?

    Although I have no desire to post such maps (as of yet), I do see how, in the future, all of these disciplines will align into a superimposed form of science (even when dealing with fantasy subject matter, such as plug and play maps). These are but a few questions i pose to the community for now. I have a fantastic project I'm working on and hope to share some of those previews on this forum soon. Thanks in advance and nice site you have here btw - I'm in awe of the talent presented herein. Until next time, may your pen's ink never expire!

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Dec 2007
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    Welcome to the guild sir !

    This site is for all aspects of cartography and even a slightly wider topics relating. We have a general discussion topic for anything you like so long as it doesn't flaunt the rules. We get a lot of people who write books and are into con-langs as well as maps. All of these are good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Scribbles View Post
    1. Is Neural Network Mapping considered Cartography here?
    2. What about software/program-flow diagraming/mapping?
    3. What about electrical schematics?
    4. DNA Mapping?
    5. Hereditary maps?
    For most of these above the answer is... DEFINITELY. In fact we were only discussing the neural topic quite recently. For a while there have been people which use real world satellite imagery to make maps but also to train CNN's to generate 3D terrain which matches up with specified terrains from DEMs such as NASA topo radar results.

    We also do a lot of procedural texturing of maps - usually terrain where again we use DEMs and height maps to texture landscapes. I have written one myself but there are a number of them and some are quite popular. They range from easy to use and maybe free right up to PhD papers with algorithms in them to calculate fluid flow and erosions.

    We havent had electrical schematics on here before now but we have had artworks which include futuristic elements into them. I know for sure that several of us on here are very familiar with schematics and are technology consultants. We even had a theoretical physicist working at CERN doing maps. There are many doing engineering fields and design work who use the site & mapping as an outlet of creativity.

    Same applies to DNA and hereditary. Its not mapping in the same sense as we usually have but we do often have fantasy family trees. The most notable one being that of Tolkien who mapped out quite a lineage of dwarves and elves going back.

    I also did a bit of project where I tried to procedurally generate maps using economics which I still think is a great idea tho hard to implement. By knowing how people trade and interact that usually defines city markets, streets, defenses and guides the style and size of buildings and the collection of resources for shops. In my opinion economics is the main driving force for towns and city layouts. But computing that into a map is quite hard to do. Combining AI and neural nets / GANs with and economic model would be the ideal solution I think.

    So if you have any thoughts and ideas about how to go about doing any of this or would like to try then you have my undivided attention !


  3. #3


    Ha! Thank you Redroboes!

    You addressed several of my other questions before I asked! Well played sir. And dang'nabbit, if you didn't hit the nail on the head! I too have recently been in the quandaries of determining "map value" vs. player value vs. vanilla/npc economies (although very easy to have an algorithm market, what of an organic npc/player market? Driven by the actual trading in game, by player characters and NPCs alike) It would seem that once a map goes mmorpg, the numbers go screwy.

    I've found that watching a few youtubers can be quite enlightening considering their whole objective is to exploit so called balanced games. I 'd hire a few of those guys to test maps and game dynamics even before making the trailer for the game. Although I suppose most exploits are found by people who crack the game open and study the actual code, looking for vulnerabilities that way. Encrypted game scripts in the future? (The modding communities would frown on that).

    Anyhow, in this dawning age of high technology, it is no secret that it is the software programers, hardware engineers, musicians and artists that will be the driving forces behind Augmented realities and the coming Cybernetic age. I cannot over emphasize the demand for mathematicians and artists in the future! Keep your pens handy.

    Speaking of sciencey stuff, you mentioned that there are a few eggheads about? Even more tantalizing. I can't wait to tackle a few preconceived notions about perception and so-called reality. Cracking eggs I call it. I have this thing about proving certain naysayers and debunkers wrong when it comes to my particular niche. Not through arguments and name calling, but rather by facts and evidence. I intend to prove that extraterrestrial civilizations are not only real but rather prolific throughout the known solar system. Although fantasy maps are fun, I find that NASA imagery is far more rewarding of an intellectual adventure. Yet in the spirit of this site, my first contribution will be based on a fantasy setting and engineered for easy porting into game engines. I hope to see it evolve into an actual product for market.

    All this talk of the future has me realizing I'm still behind in the present, I'd better get back to work. Thanks for the insight, welcome and replies. I look forward to contributing here in the coming weeks.

  4. #4


    Also, I thought you'd find these of value:

    Physics in 4 Dimensions... How?

    Just for laughs:

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