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Thread: World Map: Elmesia [WIP] - Continent shapes OK?

  1. #1

    Help World Map: Elmesia [WIP] - Continent shapes OK?

    So I've decided to restart the world that my friend and I have been working on for a while. I'm currently still in the beginning phases trying to figure out what continent configuration I want. I needed there to be three main continents in shapes VAGUELY like these to keep to the spirit of the original world, which I've got down at least, but something is bothering me-- they look a little cartoonish. Perhaps too complex in shape? I just know they don't seem like real continents to me even though I tried to make the tectonic plates first and form continents following those. I suppose I might have to make some big changes!

    Figured some outside perspective would help. Any advice appreciated, and thank you for your time looking at this!


  2. #2
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    The High Desert


    If that's something like an Equirectangular projection, slap that puppy into and take a look at it on a globe. Looking at it that way might offer some feedback all on its own.
    One of the silliest maps I've ever seen has continents in the shape of a cat puking up a hairball and a mostly inland sea that looks like a diseased duck. In basic outlines, any squiggly bits are plausible. It's when the other stuff is added that you'll have to worry more.

  3. #3


    Thank you, that was actually very helpful! I've found that I don't like how stricly vertical and segmented the continents are from each other, so I'm going to change that. Thank you for the suggestion!

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