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Thread: Detailed City map for Science Fantasy Novel

  1. #1

    Post Detailed City map for Science Fantasy Novel


    Hello! I am looking for a professional artist to design a detailed, high quality map for a fictional city in an upcoming novel I am writing. The setting for the novel is science fantasy (hence there being buildings such as offices and medical centres) and there are a couple of technological items on the map, but almost all of the architecture is still very much fantasy inspired.


    Here is a scan of a rough sketch I had in mind (please excuse my drawing skills).

    The Citadel.jpg

    Some of the labels may seem confusing but if the artist is interested in the project, I will go into more detail with them about what the labels mean and rough ideas of how specific plot-centric buildings look.

    I am willing to give a lot of leeway to the artist with regards to the map, adding roads/buildings/etc where they see fit, where I have written ‘buildings’ simply means that in that location there is nothing that is important to the plot of the novel and the artist can use their own discretion to place what they want there, be it buildings, parks, squares, etc.


    As I mentioned before while there are some science elements in this fictional world, the architecture is still based on fantasy designs, here are some map styles that I quite liked for a rough style guide.

    map 1.jpg map 2.jpg map 3.jpg map 4.jpg map 5.jpg

    Quality and Size

    [Required for print]
    [Dimensions of map: 2560x1600 pixels (Landscape)]


    Format is artist’s discretion; whichever format keeps highest image quality.


    I wish to have reproduction rights to the map for commercial purposes so that I can include it in my novel. The artist will have the right to use the map for personal use, portfolio etc but cannot use it for commercial gain. Credit will be given to the artist in the novel, and any other reproduction of the map.

    Time Constraints

    I am not pressed for time but would like it sometime within the next 8 months.


    I understand that a map of this kind will not be cheap and so I am willing to negotiate price, please contact me for details of your rates and whether you take payment in tiers or as a lump sum. Payment will be via PayPal. I am also considering commissioning a 2nd map for the novel as well so if you offer any kind of favourable rates for multiple maps please let me know.

    Contact Details

    I am new so I cannot use the private message feature for this site but if you wish to contact me to discuss the project further my email address is damianbell96-at-gmaildotcom (remove dashes and replace “at” with “@” and dot with “.”).


    If you made it this far, thank you very much for your time and I hope we can work together soon!
    Last edited by Reductito; 10-30-2020 at 08:46 AM. Reason: Attachments weren't working

  2. #2


    Taken, thanks to everyone who messaged me!

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